Ar noSurge trailer, screens and pre-order DLC details
We gave this a little mention a couple of weeks back, as both Koei Tecmo Europe and US finally got around to announcing it’s western release and so I thought it was about time I posted the Ar noSurge Ode to an Unborn Star trailer. It’s very nice and dreamy and spac-ey. Which is… you know… nice.
I think I’ve watched it like three times already. Don’t know if I’ll watch it more than that in work time – because that would be excessive. So yeah, here it its.
Ar noSurge Ode to an Unborn Star will release in Europe for PS3 on the 26th of September – with a range of DLC options available. In Koei Tecmo’s own words;
Order from Game to get: Misogi Expansion Pack: Nay, where playable characters Delta and Earthes can relax and in the baths and socialise with the new recruit Nay.
Independents game stores get: Misogi Expansion Pack: Kanon, where Delta and Earthes can meet up and get to know another new recruit, Kanon.
Buy from to get: A bespectacled look for Sarly’s as well as slightly alter character movement.
And if you download from the PSN store, you’ll get: A dynamic custom made theme fashioned after the Felion Console
AAAAAND finally! Just because I’m in the mood – here are a whole bunch of screens for you to enjoy! Hmmm… screeny…
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