Arc System Works Warns Against Posting Guilty Gear Story Mode Footage Online
Some YouTubers have had issues uploading footage of Guilty Gear Xrd to YouTube — in particular uploads of the game’s story mode. To clarify Arc System Works has released a statement confirming they are not allowing story mode footage to be posted online.
We’ve translated the message below:
GUILTY GEAR Xrd -SIGN- Story Mode Spoilers Self-Restraint Request [A message from Arc System Works]
Regardless of circumstance we strictly prohibit any filming, videoing, or streaming nor images of the story mode content.
Uploading any of the game’s story mode content to any video sites, live streaming or social media like Twitter is also strictly prohibited.
We strive for all of our players to enjoy the game. We kindly ask anybody not to upload any of the game’s content that could potentially be a spoiler. Thank you for understanding.
Considering the story mode in Guilty Gear Xrd is basically one big cutscene, it’s kind of understandable why Arc System Works wouldn’t want it spoiled online, in the same way it’s understandable that production companies don’t want their full movies on YouTube.
Regardless of what you think about it at least Arc System Works have been pretty clear, and they seem to want to emphasise that it’s to avoid spoiling the story.