Fire Emblem Fates Figures – The Full List
Fire Emblem Fates has been receiving many exciting figure announcements as of late! A stunning pre-painted Camilla figure has been getting fans especially excited. With that in mind, I thought writing an article that compiled all the Fire Emblem Fates figure announcements together would be a fun idea! Read on, Fire Emblem and figure fans!
Out of all the Fire Emblem games, Fire Emblem Fates is, for me, the star that shines brightest! I’ve bought all three versions: Birthright, Conquest and Revelation! The story might not be the best and the translations are questionable, to say the least (I don’t even know if I should mention the disappointing censorship… Oh, wait.), but the characters themselves were spectacular! I am a horrible tactician, but what really fuels my love for these games are the characters, their relationships and the ability to pair up one rowdy Manakete with an equally rowdy Wolfskin! It’s the otome fangirl in me, I know.
Fire Emblem Fates was also the first Fire Emblem game to include same-sex relationships! I’ll admit I was disappointed to find out these same-sex relationships were fixed as stiffly as concrete (Oh, what I would have done to be able to pair the female MC with Camilla or Hinoka…), but at least it was a step in the right direction. I also have to say, perhaps controversially, that I am very happy the conversations between same-sex characters do not matchup with the Japanese originals. The localisation, in this case, was spot-on. The whole ‘spiking her drink’ and ‘curing homosexuality’ connotations just wouldn’t have been appropriate for players outside of Japan, although I’m not entirely sure why the characters themselves were swapped (Soleil was initially written as a lesbian character, but the female same-sex option was then changed to Tharja for the EU and NA release).
Yes, there are a lot of reasons to like Fire Emblem Fates, not to mention a lot of topics to discuss! It is for these reasons that I am writing this rev-
Wait, what was I writing about again?
…Oh right, figures! Enough fangirling, let’s get on with the list!
Camilla by Intelligent Systems
This gorgeous figure of everyone’s favourite busty sibling is made by Intelligent Systems, the very same company that manufactured the Fire Emblem games! It has an impressive 1/7 scale and a rather imposing base reminiscent of levels inside the Nohr castle. The artist, Monolith, beautifully portrayed Camilla’s suggestive personality and curvy figure. The figure is completely made of PVC. Intelligent Systems showed-off Camilla’s painted version mere hours ago today, and it’s certainly stunning! Just who do I have to ki- er, beg, to get this figure? No release date has yet been announced.
Elise by Good Smile Company
If there was ever going to be a Nendoroid of a Fire Emblem Fates character, then Elise would be the perfect choice. This adorable little princess makes the perfect chibi figure! The sculptors, Nendoron and Shichibee, accurately portray Elise’s childish expressions and feminine outfit. This brave little girl looks especially impressive with her horse and magic accessories. The figure is made of ABS and PVC and has a release date of January, 2017. That said, pre-orders are already open and have been for a while, so if you’ve fallen in love with this figure it’s best to get your order in as soon as possible! She is fully poseable and comes with different faceplates. The price tag for this cutie currently stands around ¥5,370, but if you shop around *cough* amiami *cough* you should be able to find her a little cheaper!
Kamui by Max Factory
Max Factory is making a figma of the female MC from Fire Emblem Fates! A figma is smaller and more delicate than a scale or Nendoroid and has moveable joints. Very little information about this figure is available. No sculptor has been named, no prototype images have been revealed and no release date has been stated. I’m afraid it’s a waiting game, folks!
Kamui by Good Smile Company
That’s right! Elise isn’t the only one being created as a Nendoroid! Kamui, the female MC of Fire Emblem Fates, is also getting her fair share of chibi makeovers. As with the figma, no sculptors, prototypes or release date has yet been revealed, but it would be reasonable to assume that such information will become available after Elise’s Nendoroid has been released, if not a little bit before then. It would also be reasonable to expect similar pricing and accessories (changeable faceplates, an equitable weapon) as Elise’s Nendoroid. I’m not holding my breath, but wouldn’t it be amazing if Kamui came with several faceplates and hairstyles so fans could create their very own MC, just like in the games? Ah, I can dream…
Kamui by Cospa
For curiosity’s sake, I decided to include this figure. Here the MC from Fire Emblem Fates has been made as a GraPhig, a figure made from a single sheet of hard coloured paper that the customer then folds to create a chibi-like figure. The creation is not dissimilar to a Nendoroid, and indeed it is favoured by such fans. Kamui was included in the January 2016 issue of Nintendo Dream, a magazine in Japan collected by Nintendo fans. The illustrator of this niche cut-out figure is Kofuyu Yukihiro, whereas the character designer is Kozaki Yusuke. He looks a lot like Danbo, don’t you think? The price was around ¥824.
Kamui by Nintendo
Fire Emblem Fates fans can’t get enough of Kamui! This time the male version of Kamui is being made into an Amiibo! Fire Emblem is no stranger to the Amiibo craze, so really it was only a matter of time before Kamui entered the Super Smash Bros ring. Nintendo has set the release date for 2016, so surely we won’t have to wait much longer, right? Other than the character art, no images related to the figure have yet been released.
That’s it! That’s all the Fire Emblem Fates figures announced so far. Not bad, eh? If I’m honest, my favourite type of figure is a scaled figure, so I tend to stay away from Nendoroids and figmas. I am however ecstatic to see Camilla, and I am desperately hoping that more scaled Fire Emblem Fates characters will follow soon after her!
Earlier this year Famitsu asked Japanese fans who their favourite Fire Emblem Fates characters were. They then polled the results and ranked them accordingly in the list below! It shows that the top five most popular male characters are Leo, Xander, Takumi, Jakob and male Kamui. The top five female characters are Female Kamui, Camilla, Oboro, Elise and Azura. I would personally love a scaled figure of Xander (my Fire Emblem husbando), and can you image how beautiful a scaled figure of the elegant Azura would be? Ah, the possibilities! Hopefully we’ll see more Fire Emblem Fates figure announcements very soon! If anyone wants to buy me that Camilla figure in the meantime I’d appreciate it.
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