Free Major Splatoon Update Available from August 5th
Splatoon is set to receive a major update on August 5th, according to a statement from Nintendo of America. The free software update will incorporate plenty of new content into Splatoon, including 2 matchmaking battle modes, new weapons, an increase in the game’s level cap, and access to over 40 new pieces of gear. While Splatoon has received free updates before, they’ve not been to this scale.
The new updates include:
– Squad Battle- this mode allows players to participate in Ranked Battle rule sets with a group of up to 4 friends, rather than being teamed with random players.
– Private Battle- allows 2-8 friends to battle in private, customisable matches, with the freedom to select favourite maps, modes, and weapons.
– Level cap increase from 20 to 50, with new higher rankings of S and S+ (both higher than A).
– Slosher weapon- hurls ink over a long trajectory, enabling the player to hit opponents that high up/on the other side of walls.
– Gatling-style Splatling- a weapon that can be charged to create a powerful ink blast.
Some of the updates can be seen in the Japanese trailer below. While still unannounced it appears that some of the current stages will be redesigned, perhaps in line with the recent survey of Japanese players.
Splatoon’s update will be available to download on August 5th.