Project Rap Rabbit Switch is the New Priority – Devs Listen to Fans to Rejig Stretch Goals
The Project Rap Rabbit Kickstarter launched yesterday, and is already off to a great start at over £75k. Amidst the excitement, some fans were a bit upset that the stretch goal for a Project Rap Rabbit Switch version was a lower priority. But that’s no longer the case, as the goals are being tweaked based on feedback.
While the full scope of the re-adjustments have yet to be fully announced, a statement was released today saying that not only were they looking at adjusting the stretch goals entirely, but that Switch will become the new first priority Stretch Goal. The base goal will remain the same, being a PS4 and PC release. The next immediate goal from there for a little bit more will become the Switch goal.
It’s nice to have developers listen to fan feedback, but isn’t that really what Kickstarter and crowdfunding is all about!? The statement is below:
Firstly – Another huge, huge thank you to everybody who’s backed, shared, liked, commented or even simply looked at Project Rap Rabbit so far. We’ve been blown away by the response since we first unveiled Project Rap Rabbit four days ago. Over the last 24 hours we’ve been taking the time to digest all your comments, wishes and feedback, and one request stands out above all others: a significantly lower Nintendo Switch goal.
We want to let you know that we hear you loud and clear. As a result, we are busy re-examining our Stretch Goal format to prioritise a Nintendo Switch version of Project Rap Rabbit above other features.
This is a process we need to undertake carefully and methodically, so please bear with us while we piece together our new plan. We’ll update our Stretch Goals as soon as we possibly can – until then, keep the comments flooding in on social media and here on the Kickstarter page, and we’ll continue to answer all your questions.
So, look forward to another update soon detailing the revised stretch goals. You can probably expect Project Rap Rabbit Switch to drop in around the placement of the prior goal, so £1m-and-something. We’ll update when we know!
Project Rap Rabbit is a Kickstarter project and spiritual successor to PaRappa the Rapper, Gitaroo Man, and Ouendan — from creators Masaya Matsuura and Keiichi Yano. It is planned to release on PlayStation 4 and PC if funded, with stretch goals for other platforms. The planned release date is August 2018.