Root Film guide: how to solve the first case
Kadokawa Games’ excellent new mystery adventure Root Film is out today, and promises many hours of compelling mysteries for you to solve!
Maybe you need a bit of help, though, which is where this Root Film guide comes in. We’ll take you through the entirety of Yagumo’s first case and help you uncover the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
Grab your camera and get ready, then; we’ve got places to be and people to see.
Studio Yagumo
When you take control of Yagumo, head into Yagumo’s personal room to check his email. Read all three of them; the first is from a scammer Yagumo has had frequent contact with and the second is spam, but the third is important: it tells us that Yagumo’s sister Sakuya is coming to Shimane Prefecture.
When you’re done, head to the reception room to receive an important phone call. Time to head out!
Shimane TV headquarters
Speak with Isogami, who will explain the situation with the new project, and encourage you to visit the archive centre.
Shimane TV archive centre
Speak with Sayama and memorise the phrase “For some reason, all of the places you’d expect to hear the director’s voice have been erased. Every single one.” when prompted. Then watch the film to complete the prologue.
Studio Yagumo
Stop by Yagumo’s room for a quick scene. Head to the reception room to pick up Magari, then head for the edit suite. Speak to Magari when prompted.
When investigating the footage, most of the hotspots aren’t helpful, but be sure to check out the sign in the lower-right of the image — this is an important clue. After this, a lot of different places open up.
Lake Shinji
Stop by here to meet Shimane mascot Shimanekko, but it’s otherwise not an especially helpful location right now.
Matsue Castle
Head here to learn a little bit about local history. Again, though, there are no directly relevant clues.
Switch maps to get here, and Yagumo and Magari will have a conversation about Yomotsu Hirasaka, which will add it to the map.
Shimane TV headquarters
Before you head over there, though, stop here and chat with Isogami a few times to find out about Director Ibuse and his involvement in the project.
Shimane TV archive centre
You can also stop by for a quick chat with Sawano, but it’s not necessary.
Yomotsu Hirasaka
After a little scare, examine the “Letter to Heaven” mailbox a couple of times, then check the foliage in the background twice to find the pond Tosui. After a few scenes, you’ll finish Chapter 1.
Studio Yagumo
Stop by the editing suite and get Magari to compare your new footage to the film from ten years ago. Examine Yagumo a couple of times for some merciless comments from Magari.
Check Magari’s face to realise that there was something a bit strange about the ghost in the film. Memorise the phrase about the telephoto lens when prompted.
Finally, examine the plank Magari is standing on.
Shimane TV archive centre
Head over here and chat with Sayama to discover that the film you’ve been watching may not be authentic. Memorise the synaesthesia phrase as prompted.
Pay Mihonoseki a visit for your first encounter with Mystery Man. The answer to his question is “The Sanma in Meguro”.
Meet Monami in the reception area, then go visit Ibuse. Memorise the fact that he supposedly shot the cursed film when prompted.
Studio Yagumo
Stop by the editing suite to learn something interesting about the truck that appeared in the closing moments of the cursed footage.
Matsue Legal Affairs Bureau
Investigate the company name you found in the film, and memorise the fact that the dates don’t quite line up when prompted.
Visit the pond where the footage was shot to meet up with a local. Speak with her about the local buildings to discover that the supposed “house” the footage shot from never existed. Memorise this fact when prompted. This will complete the second chapter.
Studio Yagumo
Yagumo and Magari will discuss the situation and head out to track down the “mastermind” behind the whole situation. But who could it be?
Of course it’s Ibuse. Confront him and your first Max Mode interrogation begins. The correct responses are:
- “The buildings around Tosui haven’t changed.”
- “The cut was shot with a telephoto lens.”
- “The logo of a company established 8 years ago was emblazoned on the side of the truck.”
And you’re done… though there’s one last piece of information that comes to light as part of the epilogue!
From here, you can either proceed directly to the second part of Yagumo’s story, or make a start on Riho’s narrative.
If you’re yet to jump on board with Root Film, you can currently pick up a copy at a 20% launch discount! Click here for more info.
Still need help? Go to the next section of the guide. Or go back to the guide main page.
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