Root Film guide: how to solve Yagumo Part 3
So far in Root Film we’ve cracked two cases as Yagumo and company, but there’s no rest for the wicked! This time around it’s on to the third case, with plenty of peculiar happenings to get to the bottom of.
Our Root Film guide will help keep you on track. If you’ve missed out on the previous parts, check out the main guide page, or jump straight to the walkthroughs of Yagumo Part 1 and Yagumo Part 2.
Shimane TV headquarters
The prologue to this part of Root Film will start with Yagumo chatting to Isogami in the Shimane TV offices. Speak with Isogami to establish where you’re off to next, then exit the office. You’ll receive an email from a familiar name on the way out.
Shimane TV archive centre
Stop by to discover Sayama is absent. There’s nothing else you can do right now, so head back to Studio Yagumo.
Studio Yagumo
Search every room, ending with the reception room. Magari will eventually show up slightly the worse for wear. Speak with her three times, then head to Yagumo’s room.
Yagumo’s room
Read both emails, including the one from Yugensai Kumashiro and the one from Yagumo’s sister Sakuya. Both will become important later in Root Film.
Reception room
Explain the situation to Magari to conclude the prologue and start the first chapter proper.
Stop by here to find out why they call them the “singing sands”, and to enjoy a gratuitous swimsuit scene. The life of an actress in Japan is never easy, is it?
Tatsunomae shrine
Head here to meet up with Yagumo’s old friend Yugo. This will be the location of the kagura dance later in the evening.
Masuya inn
Stop by here to drop off your things and pay attention to the elderly gentleman who also appears to be staying here.
Yunotsu community centre
Meet up with the members of the kagura dance troupe. Examine the Orochi costume and the cardboard boxes, then speak with Toriyama, Minegishi and Yugo until none of them have anything left to say. When you’re done, head on out and it’s time for the night kagura to begin.
Tatsunomae shrine
Watch the night kagura dance unfold… and what occurs afterwards. Now you’ve got a mystery on your hands!
Once you’re outside, examine the troupe members and the departing audience members. Then speak with Amakata and Magari. After speaking with Magari, you’ll go and investigate the scene automatically, and end up chatting with some familiar detectives. They’ve got no reason to suspect you right now though… or have they?
Return to the shrine and speak with Yugo to learn the phrase “the smoke was more intense than usual”. This seems like a clue!
Yunotsu community centre
Speak with Minegishi a couple of times, but there’s not a lot else you can do here right now.
Masuya inn
The elderly gentleman from yesterday is back. His name is Hibiya and he’ll be a helpful ally later.
Inside van
Revisit the video and investigate the scene. Examine the candy on the floor, the charred corpse, the bloodstain and the tatami mat. Then examine the corpse again for Magari to come up with a possible theory. Memorise the phrase “the shrine body looks like human combustion”. Examine the body one more time, then exit.
Ohda City general gymnasium
Speak with Keishino, then Misawa. Memorise the phrase “Toru Sakurai used the alias Ichiro Kumashiro”. Continue speaking with Misawa until he has nothing else to say, then leave.
Tatsunomae shrine
Stop by here for a quick chat with Yugo before heading back to the van for Amakata’s request.
Inside van
Amakata will notice something that the eagle-eared among you will have already spotted. This is important information, nonetheless.
Yunotsu community centre
Show Minegishi the footage and ask him if he recognises the voice. After meeting Shiraishi, memorise the phrase “Yugensai said Toru would be burned by hellfire”. That concludes the third chapter.
Masuya inn
Speak with Magari, Amakata and Kanade until they have nothing else to say, then head on out.
Tatsunomae shrine
Meet up with Misawa and Keishino. Since the police investigation is ongoing, there’s not much else you can do here right now.
Ohda city general gymnasium
Speak with Misawa and Keishino, who beat you here. Memorise the phrase “Many tourists tested positive for gunshot residue”.
Yunotsu community centre
Examine the boxes and memorise the phrase “The smoke candle wasn’t the one used at the shop”. Examine the bag for the Orochi costume, then speak with Toriyama a couple of times and memorise the phrases “Hina Shiraishi was depressed after the incident and went to the Ebisu Shrine” and “Sakurai was afraid of the people who were after him”.
Ebisu shrine
Speak with Yugo and Minegishi. Memorise the phrase “Shiraishi bought the candies used in ‘Ebisu'”. Then speak with Hiraishi a couple of times. After this, leave.
Tatsunomae shrine
Hibiya is here. Examine the shrine building, then speak with him. Memorise the phrase “There were gunshots by Hibiya’s feet”. Now you’ve got everything you need to crack this wide open.
Masuya inn
Commence pursuit! This time it’s Hina Shiraishi in the hot seat. The correct responses that will get her to talk are:
- “Many tourists tested positive for gunshot residue.”
- “There were gunshots by Hibiya’s feet.”
- “Shiraishi bought the candies used for ‘Ebisu’.”
- “Sakurai was afraid of people who were after him.”
All done! But… well, find out for yourself!
Check out our guides to Yagumo Part 1 and Yagumo Part 2 in Root Film. Or go back to the Root Film guide main page. And if you’re yet to join Root Film’s fun and games in Shimane, don’t forget we’ve still got lovely limited editions available for you to enjoy — order one here.
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