SMT: Devil Survivor 2 Secures Fan Funding for European Release
Relying on word of mouth and the trenches of internet media seems to have paid off for the UK-based publisher of Japanese games — Ghostlight — as they today confirmed the successful attempt to rally crowd-funding support for legacy Nintendo DS title — Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2.
Kickstarter and IndieGoGo have worked miracles not only for game developers looking to raise awareness of their obscure, questionable, or otherwise risqué titles, but for the consumers themselves looking for the quirky products.
Titles that rely on the advanced pre-orders of excitable fans to get their break into production need the crowd-funding services should they ever hope to stand a chance of truly existing; and both publisher and consumer have banded together with Ghostlight’s newest effort to bring Japan’s finest to Europe with Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor 2 — a Nintendo DS game from a number of years ago.
Now, after months of fan-generated marketing, Ghostlight have announced their the success of their campaign to conjure up the necessary pre-order numbers to see the legacy title into production for its European release. Those who were apprehensive of pledging money to a lost cause can rest assured knowing the game will be going into production after all.
All those who pledged their pre-order support for Devil Survivor 2 before today’s announcement will have their names printed in the game’s included manual.
Purchases made from now will receive the “Gold Edition” minus the aforementioned bonus. You can, of course, still target the Ghostlight page with a clean £25 pledge to reserve your “Gold Edition” copy for the eventual release; or even double the pledge to nab a copy of “Devil Survivor: Overclocked” — the enhanced port of the original Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Nintendo DS title. Perfect for a backtrack through the series!
Rest assured, Shin Megami Tensei fans, you’ll get your game!
Just as soon as they announce a solid release date.
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- SMT: Devil Survivor 2 Secures Fan Funding for European Release - September 2, 2013