New Tales of Hearts R DLC Costumes
Tales of Hearts R finally came out on PlayStation Vita last month. It’s the first time Tales of Hearts has been released in the west, and it proves once again that the Vita might be one of the best gaming systems for enthusiasts of Japanese video games like us and, of course, yourselves. But does the fun stop there? Some new Tales of Hearts R DLC has been announced.
After a successful and exclusive launch on PlayStation®Vita, TALES OF HEARTS™ R continues to shower its fans with fresh content! This time Kor, Kohaku, Chalcedony and their allies will receive new costumes to fully change their appearance!
The costume sets are:
• Maid Costumes
• Swimwear Outfits
• Legacy Costumes
• School Costumes
• Idol Costumes
A single costume will set you back £1.69 on the PSN store, or you can buy each set of costumes as a bundle for £7.99. Various “boosters”, from experience to money, are also now available — ranging from £1.19 to £1.99. Some of the costumes are already available on the PSN store.
Tales of Hearts R is available in our own store for only £25.99. Grab the RPG classic right here!