7 Unexpectedly Ecchi Anime Series That Caught Us Off-Guard
Oftentimes, you can look at a picture of an anime and know it’s going to be ecchi. But sometimes you seek out a new series to watch, think “this sounds interesting” and then there’s suddenly boobs and pantsu everywhere! Here are a number of ecchi anime where you might be more than a little surprised when the clothes start coming off.
Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma

The stakes are high and the other steaks are gourmet! Food Wars! is a cooking anime with a shounen action flavour where the competition is intense and the dishes served up are mind-blowing. So mind-blowing it’s presented with indecent expressions and people’s clothes being blown off if they taste something really good?! Food Wars! takes the concept of “food porn” to a whole new level, and there’s really no other show quite like it, whether you’re in it for the drama, the mouth-watering food, or the beautiful competitors.
Is This a Zombie?

I don’t know what I expected precisely, but it wasn’t that Is This a Zombie? would actually be a supernatural ecchi harem anime. A lot of those elements seem to crop up in tandem with each other and Is this a Zombie? is determined to get the most out of all of them and more. Is this a Zombie? manages to cram humour, magical girls, zombies, and plenty of fanservice into one brightly coloured, crazy package. It’s dark, yet also fantastically silly, so why not have a bit of ecchi too?

Ecchi? In my CLAMP anime? It may be pretty mild compared to some of the others on this list, but Chobits doesn’t shy away from its raunchier moments. Hapless protagonist Hideki does find Chi barely dressed in a pile of rubbish to start with, and, well…It may be frilly, but not all frilly things are meant for children. While it’s a classic, it’s strange to think that Chobits has been springing panties on people since the early 2000s!
Rail Wars!

We’ve had Food Wars! and now it’s time for Rail Wars!! A group of aspiring Japan National Railways employees work through their vigorous training period. Looks like an innocent anime about people working on trains. Not actually an innocent anime about people working on trains. Is nothing sacred?!
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs

A hot springs inn that’s now a suspiciously cheap boarding house because it’s rumoured to be haunted? Plenty of opportunity for comedy and ecchi shenanigans with some supernatural girls. Maybe I’m just naive, but I honestly, foolishly only really expected the former. Or at least I didn’t expect things to get quite as…steamy as they do. Yuuna and the rest of the girls in the hot springs harem are very cute though.
Kiddy Grade

Maybe I was just too young to know better when I watched it, but I assumed Kiddy Grade was just another sci-fi anime. The main pair’s designs may be a little on the revealing side from the offset, but Kiddy Grade‘s an anime so wrapped up in action, intrigue, and space politics you wouldn’t think it had time to dedicate to anything else. It does, and that “anything else” is usually Eclair’s body up close. Often in a miraculously fetishy disguise that’s somehow also relevant for the mission. Still a very solid sci-fi series though.

Female-led sports anime don’t tend to show up so much, and Softenni looks like a sweet show about a girls’ soft tennis team. Turns out tennis is a lot more risque than I had thought and also not the focus here, with Softenni instead leaning towards comedy and a fair share of ecchi moments. This could have been so pure! Look at those colourful, not overly skimpy designs! How did this happen? Soft tennis is soft and so are boobs.
Have you had any similar experiences where you got more than you bargained for from a show like this? Let me know your own unexpectedly ecchi anime encounters in the comments!
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