World of Final Fantasy DLC Sees Balthier Join the Party

Following on from the Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age release date announcement, there’s further good news for Final Fantasy XII fans from the Final Fantasy 30th anniversary event! This time it’s the announcement of Balthier as a free World of Final Fantasy DLC Champion Summon!


No release date has been given so far, and there aren’t many further details yet, but it’s great to see Final Fantasy XII getting some love! Balthier is the third character to be added as a World of Final Fantasy DLC, after Sephiroth and Sora, and is currently the only character from Final Fantasy XII. It seems natural for it to be Balthier, as the fan favourite, but this does make me hope we might see more from FFXII in the future!


World of Final Fantasy DLC Sees Balthier Join the Party

World of Final Fantasy is available for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita.


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