Yakuza 6 Preview – The Dragon of Dojima Isn’t Dead Yet
The Yakuza series has steadily been gaining traction in the West, and Kazuma Kiryu’s story is approaching its end. Beginning its life back in 2005 on PS2, the Yakuza series has spanned 6 mainline games and multiple spin-offs, and the final installment in Kiryu’s chapter has the potential to be the series’ greatest entry yet.
Yakuza 6 takes place four years after Yakuza 5, and begins with a brief recap to get you up to speed. It assumes you’ve played the other games though and, if you’re interested in Yakuza 6, then I highly recommended getting caught up in the fantastically quirky series.
The final installment in Kiryu’s chapter has the potential to be the series’ greatest entry yet.
I won’t go into spoiler territory for you but Kazuma Kiryu, the Dragon of Dojima, finds himself in the middle of a Yakuza war once more, but this time the Triads and other groups are heavily involved. Things are changing, and Kiryu has more to worry about than himself or the city of Kamurocho.
Kiryu has proven himself to be no stranger to outlandish situations, and this time he’s looking after a very young baby. Sure, he looked after Haruka in the past but she was old enough to talk and feed herself, and Kiryu? He has no idea on how you’re supposed to take care of a baby, but he does know that he has to.
Kiryu has a heart of gold, and his quirky, endearing personality is a driving force in Yakuza 6. It’s not all about him though, as Haruka is at the heart of this game’s mystery, and he and friends he’s made along the way are working to get to the bottom of it.
Kiryu has a heart of gold, and his quirky, endearing personality is a driving force in Yakuza 6.
A tale rife with love, life, drama and death, Yakuza 6 will grab your attention like the bustling night-life and lights of Kamurocho demand your attention. If you want to kick your heels back a bit, then the new, peaceful village of Hiroshima is perfect for relaxing.
A quaint, little place next to the sea, Hiroshima is very different to the cities Yakuza fans are used to. That’s not to say that Kiryu, the trouble magnet that he is, doesn’t find himself in trouble, but it’s a far better place to harbour a child than the seductively dangerous Kamurocho.
Every Yakuza fan knows that mini-games are the best way to unwind though and, if you played Kiwami, then you might’ve noticed a bunch of Virtua Fighter 4 booths in the arcades. You couldn’t play them, but they were there! Now, you can play Virtua Fighter 5, with any character, as you make your way through the game’s full arcade mode. Pretty cool, huh?
A tale rife with love, life, drama and death, Yakuza 6 will grab your attention like the bustling night-life and lights of Kamurocho demand your attention.
Sega has gone full out with mini-games in Yakuza 6, with other games including Puyo Puyo, Fantasy Zone, Space Harrier and, of course, Out Run being playable. Crane machines, hostess clubs and various other activities are there to pursue at your leisure, and pursue them I shall! There’s even an online chat room with cam girls, and it’s hilarious – I wouldn’t play it in front of my parents, though.
Yakuza 6 is one of my most anticipated titles of 2018, and spending three hours of it has been a joy. I’m excited to replay the first few hours once more once the game releases, and to be able to be sucked into this spectacular world once again.
The lengthy character-driven cutscenes, eye-catching sights and wealth of content are waiting to be explored, and I’m going to get down and searching through every nook and cranny. Kazuma Kiryu has so much at stake, and there’s no way I’m letting him down.
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