Zero Time Dilemma Teaser
Zero Time Dilemma, also known as Zero Escape 3, is the third upcoming installment of the Zero Escape series for the Vita and 3DS. Despite that the story will take place in between the first and second game.
Aksys Games recently launched a teaser twitter for the game under the name @_crash_keys_, and retweeted the first post that includes an artwork from the game and an interesting message.
It has been more difficult than anticipated to smuggle information out of Dcom regarding the viral Zero Time Dilemma, but we at Crash Keys have finally obtained the most bare bones of details that should prove useful to surviving the coming apocalypse. It is necessary to reveal everything in small doses as to avoid detection, but we can share the first piece now. Stay alert for future communiqués.
Remember, the threat is real.
The Zero Escape series started out on the DS as Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors and continued on the Vita and 3DS with Virtue’s Last Reward. The games are a mesh of visual novel and puzzle games where your goal is to escape from rooms riddled with puzzles, each more complex than the last. The gameplay is accompanied with an extremely engaging story. You are always kept on the edge of your seat wondering who of the people that you found yourself with you can actuality trust.
Zero Time Dilemma will be out in summer 2016, physically and digitally in North America, while Europe will only have a digital only version.
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