Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream details new characters

Koei Tecmo has released new details for two of Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream‘s characters, Alette Claretie and Olias Enders.

Alette Claretie is a lover of treasure, known for being reckless in her hunt for rare items in the dreamlike world of Erde Wiege. She saves Sophie, assisting her in the search for her lost friend Plachta.

Meanwhile, the self-described “world’s strongest ultimate bodyguard” Olias Enders offers to guide Sophie to a girl known as Plachta, but it turns out not to be the one from her world. Olias, living up to his title, also decides to help Sophie on her quest.

Atelier Sophie 2 Olias Enders

Alette’s design feels like it may have at been influenced somewhat by a certain popular Atelier protagonist, though it’s still not as outlandish as Plachta’s from Atelier Sophie 1.

Atelier Sophie 2: The Alchemist of the Mysterious Dream launches February 25, 2022 for PS4, Switch, and PC via Steam.

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