Sony confirms closure of PSP, PS3, Vita stores

Sony has confirmed that the digital PSP, PS3, and Vita stores will be closing later this year.

This news comes only a week after their their plans for these older platforms were leaked.

The dates each store will close are the same as what was revealed last week: buying digital games on PSP and PS3 will no longer be possible from July 2 2021, with the Vita store following suit on August 27 2021.

According to the announcement, previously purchased games will still be available to re-download on all three platforms, including ones acquired through PlayStation Plus. Cross-buy titles on the PS4 will also unlock their respective PS3 and Vita versions, even after those stores are closed.

If there’s a title you’ve held off on buying for any of these consoles, now would be the time to get them. Ideally, Sony would hold one final PSP, PS3, and Vita sale, but that seems incredibly unlikely at this point.

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