Waifu Wednesday: Masane Amaha (Witchblade)
I’ve always had a thing for female warrior characters. It’s never not cool to see a fellow gal kick ass and this is particularly apparent in the anime adaptation of Witchblade. Even with it being so heavy on the fanservice, I can well and truly overlook that aspect when it has such a moving emotional core to it.
Once again, this is a Waifu Wednesday piece on a subject that I have already discussed in greater detail in the past, but sometimes some creations have such a grasp on us that it’s hard to move past them.
So here’s to its main character, and the awesome mother figure that is Masane.
Who is Masane Amaha?
Masane is the unfortunate host of the titular Witchblade, both a weapon of destructive power and sentient symbiote that typically targets females only. While this is bad enough, she also happens to suffer from amnesia, and is unable to recall anything before she woke up after the Great Quake hit. At the tender age of seventeen years old, now with a baby in her arms, Masane would go on to lead a life providing for both herself and her child Rihoko.
That is until child welfare finally catches up to them and separates them. But not for long. Now involved with the Bureau Chief of Douji Group Industries and working for them in order to actually provide for Rihoko, Masane must hone her Witchblade and the skills that come with it to better protect their bond and future with this newfound opportunity. Let the ass kicking (and feels) commence!
Why we love her
Masane is a hot mess of a young adult. Now at the age of 23, she is the one who is taken care of by the more responsible and much more adult Rihoko, who even tends to the housework and knows how to cook a mean dish. But their love for one another cannot be denied.
Across a total of 24 episodes there are countless scenes that exhibit their bond, with many of the greatest moments being best experienced unspoiled. Let’s just say the way Rihoko reacts when she finally sees Masane transform into her Witchblade form hits pretty hard, though.
While the show does well to showcase and explore the core relationship of its story, it also involves exterior involvement that further pushes its messages. The most significant supporting character in this case is Takayama, Masane’s superior who gradually becomes more entwined with the pair, resulting in a short-lived but sweet family unit. It’s great to see Masane get the attention she so rightfully deserves.
Why you will love her
If it’s not obvious enough then I’ll just straight up say it – Masane is a great character who feels far too underappreciated. She’s not only a wonderful mother but a very encouraging character to viewers who can relate to her. Her defining characteristics are obviously flawed but not at all unusual in our own world. She’s lazy, childish, ditzy and honestly not all that organised, but what’s really important is just how serious and driven she is about the most significant things in her life.
Her heart is always in the right place, and despite experiencing relentless defiance, with all the odds stacked against her at each and every turn, she never wavers on protecting what’s most important to her. That is her reason for living: Rihoko. Considering Witchblade is regarded as an ecchi show, it never ceases to amaze me that this heartwarming factor is so prominent and well-handled.
Its emotional core is astonishingly deep, and the many tears I shed by its finale made me further appreciate the overall package. Let’s not forget how highly effective its credit song is, sung by Masane’s voice actress herself. “Ashita no Te” reiterates everything you need to know about Masane in its lyrics alone, and it is just one example of just how striking this show actually in terms of how it can blindside you right in the feels.
It’s safe to say that if everyone could feel and experience such intense love for their family that Masane demonstrates, then we would all be in a far better place. Check out the show for yourself over at Crunchyroll.
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