Falcom president shares info on next Trails game

With the Japanese, Chinese and Korean versions of Hajimari no Kiseki set to release tomorrow, a Famitsu interview with Falcom president Toshihiro Kondo has given us some hints at the next game in the series.

In the Weekly Famitsu interview, Kondo made to sure to reiterate that the next game will not be Hajimari 2. In fact, he mentioned that the cast ““is largely different” from previous Trails games, potentially hinting that this could be a soft reboot for the series. However, the first Trails of Cold Steel also focused on a new cast, but later entries relied a lot characters and plot points from previous games.

Another major hint for the next Trails game is a change in battle system. According to Kondo, “Action Time Battles are no longer. Hajimari no Kiseki is its swan song.” He went on to say that the new system would be “command battles with action elements” and have a “greater real-time nature—without an Action Time bar.” Falcom are already at the top of their game with real-time battle systems in the Ys series, so the Trails series moving towards more action doesn’t come as a surprise.

Finally, Kondo mentioned that “[i]nformation about new places, organizations, and characters actually appears in Hajimari no Kiseki”. So if you’re planning to pick up Hajimari, make sure to look out for hints at the Trails series’ future.

Thanks to Ryokutya2089 for the original Famitsu leak, and Gematsu for the English translations.

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