Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, Yakuza 0, Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Future Tone – Postcard Play
Even though there’s a lot of great stuff coming up, this week’s Postcard Play feels like a week for old favourites, so we’re sending you messages from the likes of Yakuza, Hatsune Miku, and even on how Dissidia Final Fantasy NT is revitalising the Dissidia crossover series for home consoles.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT — Mitch
The Dissidia Final Fantasy NT beta has been underway for a few days now, and I’ve been loving it. The closed beta didn’t click with me, and I was worried that I wouldn’t like the full game, but the beta has returned and it feels so much better! I’m not entirely sure what they’ve done, but it looks smoother, and the controls feel more responsive and they’re better mapped out for controllers.
I’ve been maining Zidane, Y’shtola and Lightning at the moment, although Kain and Terra have been super great too! There’re so many characters to try, and I look forward to trying more of them when the beta’s characters switch over later today. And when the game releases, of course.
I’ve been pretty obsessed with Final Fantasy once again recently, and Dissidia excites the fan in me. It feels just like playing a bigger version of the PSP games, which is something that the closed beta didn’t capture. Well done to Square Enix for improving it so vastly in just a few months!
Yakuza 0 — Oscar
I know, I know, I’m late to the party with Yakuza 0. I actually played the beginning forever ago when it first came out, and never got around to pressing on, eventually just doing Yakuza Kiwami instead.
I also played about half of the original Yakuza 2 a while back (before its remaster was announced), so imagine my pleasant surprise to learn that Majima’s story takes place in Osaka’s Sotenbori, the same map from Yakuza 2. Sotenbori has its own distinct style from the series staple Tokyo-based district, Kamurocho — so it’s been really great to suddenly see it remade in so much better quality.
I’ve still only played the first few chapters of Majima’s story before you switch back to Kiryu, but I’m absolutely loving every second spent exploring his surprisingly deep backstory. He really steals the show as a complex character grappling with some really difficult things, and it’s a far cry from the sometimes two-dimensional picture you get of him in other entries.
But, he’s still a bit of a crazy goofball, with some great substories (the one where he has to pretend to be a girl’s boyfriend and meet her dad was hilarious), and the breaker and slugger styles make his combat feel so much more varied than Kiryu’s. Forget Kazuga Ichiban (Yakuza’s new main boy), I want Majima to have his own series.
Hatsune Miku Project DIVA Future Tone — Holly
I’m sorry, Project DIVA X. It’s not you, it’s me. I just wanted a bit more freedom again. With that out the way, Future Tone is still holding up after all this time. If I’m ever not sure what to play, Future Tone is usually the solution. I have spent so much time on Future Tone already and there are still songs I’ve barely touched too! Admittedly, that’s in part because they’re ones I like less, but it’s also because there are just so many songs!
I am slowly getting the hang of the differences between Future Tone and the other Project DIVA games (though that little stint on X may have thrown me a bit) and it’s still super satisfying to see myself getting better and better at it. I’ll conquer some of those really ridiculously hard songs on Extreme yet!