Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference Jam Packed With Games
Microsoft kicks off this year’s E3 with its press conference. With just under 20 days after its first announcement, Xbox One has had a huge backlash from the core gamers. With the promise that this E3 press conference will focus only on games, will it persuade consumers to buy its new system?
This time the conference started off immediately with in-game footage of Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. For the first time Metal Gear Solid is in an open world environment. The game will feature a realistic flow of time system.
RYSE: Son of Rome is a hack and slash were you are a roman general. Made by Crytek exclusively for Xbox One. There was also a demonstration of Smart glass showing how you can compare your stats with other players.
After years of waiting Killer Instinct was announced only for Xbox One.
For the first time Insomniac came to the Microsoft press conferences presenting Sunset Overdrive another Xbox One exclusive.
There was a new trailer for Forza Motorsport 5, this time shown all with in-game footage.
After its debut on Xbox 360 Minecraft is coming to Xbox One.
From the creator of Panzer Dragoon and Phantom Dust, Crimson Dragon is an Xbox One exclusive.
For the first time Witcher 3 was shown to the public. It will feature an open world never seen in a Witcher title. The game will have voice commands via kinect and will feature inventory managment using smartglass.
Below is an exclusive rouge-like game for the Xbox one.
Quantum Break – Xbox One Exclusive
D4 – Xbox One Exclusive
Project Spark – Xbox One Exclusive
Dead Rising 3 – Xbox One Exclusive
Battlefield 4
Halo – Xbox One Exclusive
TitanFall – Console exclusive
Microsoft announced a partnership with twitch TV. Twitch TV is built into Xbox One, meaning you can instantly broadcast your game. You are also no longer limited to 100 friends on your friends list. Microsoft will also stop using Microsoft points, meaning everything will be priced in your local currency.
Microsoft hasn’t forgotten about the Xbox 360 owners. Xbox 360 has gotten a new redesign, with a smaller, slimmer version. It will be available starting today. Microsoft also announced that they will start with a system similar to that of PlayStation Plus giving two free games per month which includes titles such as Assassin’s Creed 2 and Halo 3.
Other titles that were announced for Xbox 360 are GTAV, World of Tanks, Max the Curse of Brotherhood and Dark Souls 2.
World of Tanks
Max the Curse of Brotherhood
Dark Souls 2
Xbox One will launch in November for £429 in the UK and $499 in the US. Microsoft showed off a ton of games this time, making up for the initial reveal of the Xbox One. However no word was given about the DRM. As for the final verdict we will have to wait and see what Sony has in store for us with its press conferences only 5 hours away.
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