Cris Tales delayed until 2021, retail copies get a free poster

Cris Tales, a beautiful looking RPG billed as an “indie love letter to classic JRPGs with a new perspective” is yet another title being delayed until next year.

Carlos Rocha Silva, CEO of developers Dreams Uncorporated and SYCK, gives more insight into the reasons behind Cris Tales’ delay.

An except from the developer message:

We are a very small video game development studio located in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia. Cris Tales is the biggest project we have ever worked on, and we want to get it right. As you probably know, most areas and people in the game must be created at least three times, if not more to show the different past, present and futures. So, in a way, it’s like developing three different video games at the same time. Three video games that must be impeccable so that we can deliver all the magic we have in our soul to all of you. We want to make sure to earn all the love you’ve all shown in our events, demos, previews and so much more. 

To soften the blow a little, publisher Modus Games have announced that retail copies of Cris Tales will include a free poster, featuring artwork from the game.

Cris Tales is now releasing early 2021 for Switch, PS4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PC, and Stadia.

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