Sakura Revolution shutting down after less than a year

Mobile games ending service isn’t anything new, but it’s rare to see a project fail this badly. Despite only releasing at the end of 2020, Sakura Revolution is already set to close down on June 30, 2021.

The official website for this Sakura Wars gacha spin-off now opens with a notice, mentioning the shutdown date and thanking players for sticking with the game during its brief 6 months of service.

Sakura Revolution dying this quickly was the last thing the series needed, after the relatively lacklustre sales of Shin Sakura Wars (simply known as Sakura Wars in the west).

You could argue that trying to get series fans to spend big money on a game that features an entirely new cast, rather than any existing characters, was an odd choice. Fate/Grand Order, another gacha title handled by Sakura Revolution developer Delightworks, managed to survive its first year on the market in part due to its many familiar faces.

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