Danganronpa V3 Gift Guide: What to Give Characters to Make Them Like You
Why hello there my beary dear friends. Danganronpa is one of our favourite visual novel series. One of favourite elements are the “free time” sections that let you get to know each character a little better. Providing you hand over gifts they like, of course. And you do it before they die in the story. But, bear with me a second here.
We’ve collected together a short, primer guide of what characters like what gifts, so you can make the most of your time together in this “killing game”. It’s time to “dang” that “ronpa” one again. And don’t worry about missing anyone, as there is a post-game bonus that allows you to revisit anyone!
In addition to “favourite” and “good” items, the others will mostly just be “okay”, with a handful being “hated”. Just stick to the best ones we list, and things will be fine. Items are numbered to make it extra easy (we compiled our initial list from the Japanese game, you see)! Though it seems there is a possibility of even a great gift not getting the best response, so there may be a degree of randomness at play.
Also, some items say to hold onto them in the description as the open up special scenes, so don’t get rid of all your stock of those if there’s something you’ve not seen yet! And of course, finding out some of their likes and dislikes using this guide might spoil you a little bit, but that’s what we’re all here for, right? But maybe give it a couple of chapters to get going.
Kirumi Tojo (Ultimate Maid)
Favourites: 003, 004, 006, 007, 008, 019, 020, 025, 032, 043, 069, 079, 081, 085, 086, 095, 101, 110, 130
Good: 009, 012, 028, 031, 049, 053, 054, 091, 094, 097
Himiko Yumeno (Ultimate Magician)
Favourites: 048, 054, 066, 069, 072, 081, 130
Good: 003, 004, 007, 009, 013, 016, 019, 021, 024, 029, 031, 032, 038, 045, 046, 058, 079, 085, 091, 094, 095, 105, 107, 109, 110
Maki Harukawa (Ultimate Child Caregiver)
Favourites: 002, 028, 030, 037, 049, 073, 081, 091, 095, 110
Good: 001, 004, 009, 011, 013, 018, 019, 023, 031, 032, 033, 041, 045, 046, 060, 061, 069, 074, 108, 130
Tenko Chabashira (Ultimate Aikido Master)
Favourites: 002, 009, 023, 024, 026, 032, 044, 045, 056, 061, 071, 073, 074, 081, 095, 098, 113, 130
Good: 003, 004, 010, 014, 031, 037, 038, 048, 069, 077, 078, 079, 080, 082, 083, 090, 091, 100, 105, 110
Tsumugi Shirogane (Ultimate Cosplayer)
Favourites: 009, 012, 019, 027, 028, 043, 050, 051, 052, 053, 056, 069, 075, 077, 085, 091, 099, 104, 106, 130
Good: 003, 004, 005, 017, 021, 023, 031, 032, 033, 034, 035, 045, 048, 049, 054, 057, 064, 072, 081, 084, 088, 094, 095, 101, 102, 103, 105, 111, 112
Angie Yonaga (Ultimate Artist)
Favourites: 004, 005, 009, 010, 012, 014, 018, 019, 024, 028, 030, 031, 036, 039, 046, 048, 058, 067, 069, 071, 081, 084, 086, 088, 089, 091, 095, 101, 107, 110, 130
Good: 002, 017, 038, 049, 098, 103
Miu Iruma (Ultimate Inventor)
Favourites: 013, 015, 021, 022, 029, 039, 041, 052, 059, 067, 072, 076, 077, 090, 097, 105, 107, 110. 130
Good: 002, 004, 005, 009, 010, 014, 019, 033, 036, 038, 042, 045, 060, 062, 082, 083, 086, 089, 094, 095, 103, 111
Shuichi Saihara (Ultimate Detective)
Favourites: 032, 037, 069, 077, 094, 106, 111, 130
Good: 001, 002, 003, 009, 017, 019, 020, 023, 031, 044, 045, 046, 048, 056, 059, 062, 067, 081, 082, 085, 091, 095, 097, 099, 102, 110
Kaito Momota (Ultimate Astronaut)
Favourites: 014, 023, 024, 044, 047, 059, 061, 069, 080, 095, 098, 106, 107, 110, 130
Good: 009, 027, 034, 039, 045, 056, 062, 067, 074, 077, 086, 090, 091, 099, 101, 102, 109, 111, 113
Ryoma Hoshi (Ultimate Tennis Pro)
Favourites: 016, 023, 098, 130
Good: 003, 005, 009, 025, 030, 031, 032, 033, 037, 045, 046, 061, 062, 069, 074, 077, 095, 105, 106,
Rantaro Amami (Ultimate ???)
Favourites: 002, 004, 005, 008, 009, 018, 019, 020, 025, 031, 032, 033, 037, 045, 050, 055, 059, 062, 067, 068, 069, 077, 078, 080, 083, 087, 091, 094, 095, 098, 102, 104, 106, 109
Good: 022, 030, 035, 038, 039, 042, 043, 049, 053, 056, 058, 060, 061, 066, 070, 073, 074, 081, 084, 085, 090, 099, 101, 103, 105, 113, 130
Gonta Gokuhara (Ultimate Entomologist)
Favourites: 013, 020, 032, 041, 068, 075, 080, 094
Good: 007, 009, 012, 014, 015, 023, 025, 027, 031, 064, 069, 084, 093, 095, 101, 105, 110, 113, 130
Kokichi Oma (Ultimate Supreme Leader)
Favourites: 002, 009, 015, 017, 032, 033, 035, 037, 047, 054, 062, 073, 087, 088, 090, 092, 098, 102, 103, 130
Good: 005, 010, 014, 025, 029, 031, 036, 045, 055, 057, 059, 067, 069, 071, 072, 077, 085, 086, 093, 095, 099, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113
Korekiyo Shinguji (Ultimate Anthropologist)
Favourites: 004, 009, 028, 035, 037, 039, 051, 055, 067, 071, 086, 087, 088, 106, 130
Good: 021, 032, 036, 038, 049, 053, 064, 069, 083, 084, 085, 109
K1-B0 (Ultimate Robot)
Favourites: 024, 025, 037, 045, 056, 069, 077, 081, 085, 091, 095, 103, 106, 113
Good: 034, 042, 060, 076, 084, 094, 097, 104, 107, 130
Kaede Akamatsu (Ultimate Pianist)
Favourites: 045, 055, 063, 130
Good: 002, 004, 009, 012, 019, 020, 025, 028, 030, 031, 032, 037, 044, 046, 049, 061, 069, 077, 078, 081, 082, 085, 091, 094, 095, 097, 101, 105,
There you go! Good luck collecting that wonderful selection of undergarments.