Waifu Wednesday: Hinata Hyuga (Naruto)
I know, I know, Naruto’s ninja gals do not have the most incredible reputation out there. Granted, there is always something of worth for even the most questionable of things, and I’m a passionate defender of a certain character in question here, despite having just as weak writing as any other female character of Masashi Kishimoto’s.
Hinata Hyuga is an important character to me and considering the many similarities she has with other favourite heroines of mine, it’s probably no surprise as to why that is the case. But let’s have fun praising her to the sun and back anyway! Please do note that before we get into this that my knowledge of her character and development is limited to the original Naruto and Naruto Shippuden series only. No Boruto for me as of writing this!
Who is Hinata Hyuga?
Hinata is first seen as a member of Kurenai’s team 8 whose cousin is Neji, one of the very first promisingly strong characters depicted in the early days of the series. The dynamic here is pretty apparent from the get-go with Hinata being expected to take over from the family clan as its heiress despite being no-where near at the talents of Neji. Even her own father cannot hide his disappointment. That’s despite Hinata representing a different and more internal type of strength.
As a supporting character to this long-running series, Hinata would absolutely leave an inspiring mark — so much so that she nullifies any effect Sakura had as its leading lady.
Why we love her

Initially seen and written as just a shrinking violet type of character, Hinata gradually and, rather fittingly, quietly goes about her business in growing and reaching her full protentional across the series. Her development comes from a very telling source since her admiration for her crush on Naruto is what always propels her into pushing forward and improving herself.
Despite the coldness Hinata has experienced, having grown up in a household filled to the brim with familial issues that heavily influenced her crippling low self-esteem as a mere child, her empathy knows no bounds. She is quick to see and value Naruto, finding it easy to sympathise with him and his troubled past. Furthermore, she may not be outwardly strong, but her quick to act nature shows the depths of her inner strength, a trait of hers that was seemingly developed from having witnessed Naruto himself defend her as kids despite not knowing her at the time.
Hinata would take this single act of kindness to heart and would go on to forever stand by her morals and be always willing to protect those she loves, regardless of what the cost is.
Why you will love her

With her courage speaking volumes during her confrontation with Pain, a villain and ruthless opponent she would undoubtedly get defeated by, she professes her love for Naruto and stands her ground in order to fully protect him with all her body, spirit and might. This is a far cry from who she once was, a young girl troubled by a near-on constant stutter who chose to shy away, stalk Naruto and faint more than once whenever they would be around one another. This more than proves her growth, with her most notable final act in Naruto Shippuden being her courageous speech to boost Naruto’s determination to see the war through.
The kindness and hopefulness Hinata exudes whenever she appears in Naruto is as uplifting and empowering as the series ever got. And while she becomes more confident across the years, the sheer act of not backing down from Neji during their very tense Chunin Exam Preliminary face off is a greatly effective early indicator to what her assertiveness would be like as an adult.
How could we possibly close this out without also mentioning her sheer dedication to her one and only love. My girl was always dedicated to the titular underdog. She always saw and appreciated his value and worth, even when he had nothing to his name. Hinata is dedicated, kind and hopeful, and for that I cannot thank her enough for being such a notable role model of mine.
Watch Naruto on Crunchyroll now.
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