Fate/Extella Link Gives Nameless a Ponytail Mullet (Also, Nero’s Trailer)
Fate/Extella Link is the follow-up to Fate/Extella, another 1 v 100 type of games that takes place in the Fate universe (specifically Fate/Extra’s). The game’s developers, Marvelous, have shared two new Fate/Extella Link character trailers showcasing Nero Claudius and Nameless’ ponytail mullet??
Nero Claudius
These characters were in the first game, but they’re looking extra good in this one! This time around Nameless has a weird looking ponytail mullet instead of the closer cropped hair in the first game. I guess a lot of time has passed maybe?
Marvelous previously shared character trailers for some of the newcomers to Fate/Extella Link. You can check out those trailers for Francis Drake, Astolfo, Scathach, and Charlemagne here.
It’s still not clear whether you’ll be able to use Nameless without his ponytail mullet, or whether you’re locked into this new design.
It’s a strong look that not many people could pull off. Whether Nameless does indeed pull it off is still up for debate. From some angles it definitely looks fine, but from others maybe not so much. Still, things like this are just a matter of taste. You don’t see Nero messing with a tried and tested style, though.
Fate/Extella Link is releasing for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita on 7th June 2018 in Japan.