E3 2017 Rice Chat – Xenoblade Chronicles 2, Metroid Prime 4, & Much More!
Matthew, Geraint, Oscar, and Peter “Natehawke” Fury sit down to talk about the highs and lows of all the E3 2017 press conferences! Time stamps are below the video, and clickable in the YouTube description! There’s also an audio version too, so check that out.
1:36 Spider-Man
4:20 Dragonball FighterZ
7:39 Xenoblade Chronicles 2
9:56 The Evil Within 2
10:12 Beyond Good & Evil 2
14:08 Metroid Samus Returns
19:13 Mario + Rabbids
21:36 Shadow of the Colossus
22:12 Monster Hunter World
24:02 Marvel vs Capcom Infinite
26:34 Xbox Originals on Xbox One
28:23 Xbox One X
34:25 Black Desert & Xbox One X Contd
38:19 Super Mario Odyssey
42:09 Kirby & Yoshi
42:50 Pokemon RPG on Switch
44:17 Nintendo Switch in General
47:49 Jesse Wellens at the EA Conference
48:44 Anthem
49:26 Final Fantasy XV Episode Prompto
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