Five Japanese Games We Are Excited for in February
As the years go by the number of Japanese-related-games released into the western market increases on a gradual bases; but throughout February 2016 a whole host of Japanese games will be released and today we will be sharing five of our favourites.
Be advised these games have been listed in the order that they will be released in – and not in priority order – and while your favourite game may not be in the list, such as Project X Zone 2 or MegaDimension Neptunia VII, they are in our hearts. In short; this month is an exciting time for Japanese-centric gamers and it’s going to be a busy month for us as well.
Tales of Symphonia HD 
Release Date – 1st February 2016 (PC):
Originally released onto the Nintendo Gamecube in 2003 this High Definition re-release of Tales of Symphonia, which has previously been ported to the PS3, will once again throw JPRG fans in to the world of Sylvarant whereby players must obtain mana in order to complete the Journey of World Regeneration.
The game promises over 80 hours-worth-of entertainment and will see real-time 3D battles taking place. Why are we excited for this title? Well it’s another JPRG being added to Steam but it’s also another chance to experience a classic Tales Of game.
It’s been mentioned that Tales of Symphonia suffers from issues on the PC, such as resolution locking; however by using this plugin the resolution issue can be fixed.
Order Today from Funstock Digital Store.
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth 
Release Date – 5th February 2016 (PS4 / PS Vita):
After a relatively long hiatus Digimon finally returns to Playstation consoles in a brand new RPG experience known as Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Set in the distant future Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth will see players become a detective as they try to unravel the mysteries of Digimon occupying cyber-space and stop the evil hackers from causing disruption in the world.
It’s not your traditional Digimon experience but seeing as it features over 230 Digimon characters from the animated TV franchise, and a turn-based-gameplay style that could rival Final Fantasy in it’s peak, then it’s a game we have eagerly got our eyes on.
Order today from the Rice Digital Store.
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 4 
Release Date – 5th February 2016 (XB1 / PS4 / PC)
The latest, and potentially, final instalment into the Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm franchise arrives this month and with it brings the epic conclusion to the forth great ninja war in superb detail. In addition to the comprehensive story mode you will find an adventure mode, which allows players to explore the Ninja World and accept missions – just like you could in Ninja Storm 3 – as well as find Memory Fragment that will see past events of the franchise unfold before your eyes.
Of course if Naruto Shippuden’s extensive storyline isn’t what you wanted then you can always dive into the multiple offline and online multiplayer modes available; with both regular versus and tournament modes up for grabs. Furthermore with over one hundred characters available, and more potentially planned as DLC content, you will find yourself spending hours deciding who to use next. This Naruto Shippuden game not only looks great; but it’s also got an extensive amount of content keep us entertained for hours on end.
Order Today from the Rice Digital and Funstock Digital Store.
Arslan: The Warriors of Legend 
Release Date – 12th February 2016 (XB1 / PS4 / PC):
Developed by Omega Force, and published by Koei Tecmo, Arslan: The Warriors of Legend is a hack-and-slash game that sees characters of the popular anime series The Heroic Legend of Arslan brought to life in videogame form. So why exactly are we excited for it?
Well partly because it offers the fast-paced over-the-top action we’ve come to love from Dynasty Warriors styled games but mostly because of the way it presents the anime’s storyline to the viewer. Unlike One Piece: Pirate Warriors, and other Dynasty Warriors styled adaptations, the story mode of Arslan: The Warriors of Legend seamlessly transitions between anime-cut-scenes and gameplay to deliver the entire storyline through the palm of your hands.
Of course those looking to just slash their way through hordes of enemy foot-soldiers with insane attacks can do so in the Free Battle modes; and better yet the entire roster of iconic characters from the anime series will be made available as playable characters.
Order today from the Rice Digital Store.
Street Fighter V
Release Date – 16th February 2016 (PS4 / PC)
It’s been seven years since Street Fighter IV was released onto the PS3 and Xbox 360, eight years if you include the Japanese Arcade release date, and yet here we are waiting for the arrival of Street Fighter V.
Featuring an extended roster of characters, four of which are entirely new to the franchise, an updated EX Guage system and a brand new V-SKILLS System Street Fighter V is shaping up to be the most engaging and interactive fighting game experience of them all; and that’s even before you get round to looking at the different gameplay modes.
Order today from the Rice Digital Store and Funstock Digital Store.
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